32 research outputs found

    Big Data-driven Value Creation for Organizations

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    The past few years have been characterized by an enormous increase in data coming from different sources in real time and in many diverse forms. The term commonly used for such data is Big Data (BD). Much of this BD has a high business value and, if properly utilized, can become an important organizational asset helping the organization to achieve competitive advantage. However, many organizations make a limited use of BD because they lack necessary tools and/or do not understand the value of this data. The main contribution of this study is to investigate an issue of Big Data and elements shaping creation of BD-based business value. In particular, the outcome of this research is to build and verify a framework to provide business value based on BD. The proposed framework is distinguished by three components: (1) dynamic capabilities of organizations, (2) integrated process of BD resource exploration and exploitation, and (3) identification and measurement of business value creation based on BD

    Disruptive Technologies as a Driver to Organizational Success. Organizational Culture Perspective

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    There is a lot of evidence in the research literature that Information Technologies can play a crucial role in achieving competitive advantage, improving decision-making, and achieving organizational success. Unfortunately, research on exploring the issues of using Disruptive Technologies (DT) is still limited, especially studies into the relationship between the use of DT and organizational success. The main contribution of this study is to investigate the issue of DT's impact on organizational success, in particular identifying the benefits of using DT in organizations, as well as examining to what extent organizational culture can be a factor in enhancing organizational success. The study presents the results of research on the use of Disruptive Technologies carried out in 194 organizations, especially in the areas of DT usage and the benefits that organizations achieve from adopting them, as well as the impact of organizational culture on organizational success

    The Impact of Online Data Collection on Consumer Autonomy

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    Recent advancements in the field of Big Data are facilitating various business intelligence activities for businesses. However, we contend that online data collection can generate tensions for consumers. The Big Data collection can compromise consumers\u27 sense of autonomy, the lack of which can be harmful to consumer privacy, data security, data confidentiality, and data ownership. This study presents preliminary results on the relationship between online data collection and online consumer autonomy in Australia. This study identifies open research questions for future research

    Dashboard Framework. A Tool for Threat Monitoring on the Example of Covid-19

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    The aim of the study is to create a dashboard framework to monitor the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic based on quantitative and qualitative data processing. The theoretical part propounds the basic assumptions underlying the concept of the dashboard framework. The paper presents the most important functions of the dashboard framework and examples of its adoption. The limitations related to the dashboard framework development are also indicated. As part of empirical research, an original model of the Dash-Cov framework was designed, enabling the acquisition and processing of quantitative and qualitative data on the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The developed model was pre-validated. Over 25,000 records and around 100,000 tweets were analyzed. The adopted research methods included statistical analysis and text analysis methods, in particular the sentiment analysis and the topic modeling

    An Information System Design for Organizational Creativity Support

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    The aim of this paper is to explore the issue of organizational creativity support and to propose a conceptual framework for the design of an organizational creativity support system. In order to achieve the research goal, the logic of the discourse is as follows. At the start, a critical review of the relevant literature is conducted to identify the issue of computer organizational creativity support. Next, a multi-agent approach is described as a foundation for the design of the organizational creativity support system. Then, a comprehensive framework for the design of information systems to support organizational creativity is proposed. Finally, the idea of organizational creativity support system based on different intelligent agents is discussed. In conclusion, theoretical contributions and practical implications of the study are presented

    Data Exploration as a Trigger for Customer Relationship Management

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    Today鈥檚 research shows a significant increase in the role of data exploration in the management of organizations. Despite the great importance of this problem, in the scientific literature on the subject, too little attention is paid to research presenting the benefits that organizations can derive from data mining methods and techniques in customer relationship management. This paper aims to identify the essence of customer relationship management systems and the most important methods and techniques of data mining (data, text, web and graph mining), as well as to examine the key benefits that Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) can derive from their use. The research covered seven selected organizations representing the KIBS sector. The collected extensive research material allowed to answer following questions: what methods do organizations use to collect information, what types of data are most often the subject of data analysis, what techniques are used for data mining, and what benefits organizations and their customers derive from data mining

    ICT in organizational creativity support - selected research findings

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    Podstawowym celem niniejszego artyku艂u jest identyfikacja mo偶liwo艣ci wykorzystania ICT (Information Communication Technology) we wspomaganiu tw贸rczo艣ci organizacyjnej. Realizacja tak sformu艂owanego zadania badawczego wymaga艂a wykorzystania r贸偶nych metod badawczych, a zw艂aszcza analizy literatury przedmiotu, krytycznego wnioskowania i my艣lenia dedukcyjnego oraz metody sonda偶u z wykorzystaniem techniki bada艅 ankietowych. Logik臋 wywodu w niniejszym artykule przeprowadzono w nast臋puj膮cy spos贸b. Na wst臋pie om贸wiono istot臋 tw贸rczo艣ci organizacyjnej oraz rol臋 ICT w jej wspomaganiu. Nast臋pnie zaprezentowano wybrane wyniki bada艅, kt贸re przeprowadzono w 232 organizacjach. Na koniec dokonano podsumowania oraz wskazano kierunki dalszych prac nad problematyk膮 komputerowego wspomagania tw贸rczo艣ci organizacyjnej.The main objective of this study is to identify the possibilities of ICT use in organizational creativity support. Different methods and techniques are used to achieve the research task. They included in particular: analysis of the literature, critical thinking and survey technique. The logic of the discourse is as follows. At start, the issue of organizational creativity is described and the role of ICT in its support is investigated. Then, the selected findings from the survey that was conducted among 232 organizations are presented and discussed. Finally, based on the analysis of the literature and on the conducted surveys, some conclusions and for future research in organizational creativity support area are indicated

    Digital business strategy

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    G艂贸wnym celem artyku艂u jest zaprezentowanie najwa偶niejszych za艂o偶e艅, le偶膮cych u podstaw strategii cyfrowej wsp贸艂czesnych organizacji. Struktura opracowania oraz zastosowane metody badawcze zosta艂y podporz膮dkowane wyznaczonemu celowi, a zatem w pierwszej kolejno艣ci dokonano przegl膮du literatury przedmiotu na temat strategii informacyjnej. Nast臋pnie opisano now膮, wy艂aniaj膮c膮 si臋 strategi臋 cyfrow膮 biznesu. W dalszej kolejno艣ci dokonano eksploracji czterech wymiar贸w strategii cyfrowej, kt贸re odr贸偶niaj膮 j膮 od wcze艣niejszych strategii informacyjnych organizacji i kt贸re dotycz膮: zakresu strategii, jej skali, szybko艣ci oraz 藕r贸de艂 tworzenia warto艣ci. Zilustrowano, jak r贸偶ne firmy, np. Google, Facebook, Sony, Twitter oraz Microsoft buduj膮 swoj膮 pozycj臋 rynkow膮, opieraj膮c si臋 na zasobach cyfrowych i nowych modelach biznesu. Ostatecznie zidentyfikowano kluczowe zagadnienia wymagaj膮ce prowadzenia dalszych bada艅 i analiz w zakresie rozwoju strategii cyfrowej w organizacjach.The basic goal of this paper is to present the main assumptions underlying the idea of digital business strategy and to identify its most important factors (dimensions) that include: scope of digital business strategy, scale of business strategy, speed of digital business strategy, and sources of value creation and capture. In order to reach such research goal, the structure of this paper was organized as follows. Firstly, an overview of subject literature on information strategy has been conducted. Then, the idea of new generation of digital business strategy has been described. Next, the four themes: scope, scale, speed and sources of value have been explored. Finally, key questions on digital business strategy themes have been identified